Long Term Trending Website

On this Page:

Important Notes:




The long term trending site has month, year, and mission long plots for various types of health keeping data for both AIA and HMI. The plots and the trending site should be updated by about the 15th of every month. This document has detailed instructions on how to perform this update.

The Local Database

Every mnemonic that is used for trending is stored as a structure in its own IDL save file in the DATABASE_DIR. For example, all of the data since the mission_start for the voltage of the AIA ATA1 ISS MY diode is in a file called: DATABASE_DIR/aia/E_AIA_IS1_DIODE_MY.sav
One can load and view the contents of this file as follows:

  • IDL> restore, DATABASE_DIR/aia/E_AIA_IS1_DIODE_MY.sav
  • IDL> help, E_AIA_IS1_DIODE_MY
  • ** Structure <26066f8>, 4 tags, length=246273872, data length=215489642, refs=1:
  • T STRUCT -> ANYTIM2INTS Array[15392115]
  • V DOUBLE Array[15392115]
  • ST STRING '18-Mar-2010'
  • EN STRING '1-Sep-2012'
  • IDL>

  • All of the mnemonics saved in the database have the same structure as shown by the help command above. Specifically, each has the times T with corresponding values V. Also shown are the dates that the structure has data for, between start (ST) and end (EN) date. With the structure loaded one can easily plot the time series as follows:
  • IDL> el_plot_mnem, 'Mission Long ATA1 ISS MY Diode Voltage', time = E_AIA_IS1_DIODE_MY.t, values = E_AIA_IS1_DIODE_MY.v, psym=3
  • Whenever it's convenient in the first or second week of each month, one should update all of the mnemonics structures to append the previous months data using the following procedure.

    Updating the Local Databases


    IDL Programs

    In the description below, files indicated in red will need to be modified or used directly.

    Procedure for HK database

    To begin updating the local HK database, start a new IDL session or reset the current session using the IDL command .reset_session. In the following example I will assume that today's date is 10-Sep-2012 and that we are first going to update AIA mnemonics. The first step in the database update procedure is to modify the globals in the file CVSROOT/IDL/tmack/common_vals.pro:
    1. Update end_time to the first of the current month, ( '1-Sep-2012' )
    2. Update month_start to the first of the previous month, ( '1-Aug-2012' )
    3. Update year_start to the first of the current month and the previous year, ( '1-Sep-2011' )
    4. Make which_inst equal to 'aia' (lowercase is important)
    5. Ensure that data_path, events_file, and image_path all point to the proper directories. For example, the variable data_path should point to DATABASE_DIR/which_inst/ and image_path should be TRENDING_DIR/trending_plots/which_inst/
    Now that the global variables are configured, in the new IDL session run:
  • IDL> update_all, '1-Sep-2012'
  • Once this completes, change which_inst to equal 'hmi' and do the following:
  • IDL> .reset_session
  • IDL> update_all, '1-Sep-2012'
  • Now both AIA and HMI databases should have data current to 1-Sep-2012. You can check any given mnemonic by simply using the restore and help commands as above.

    Procedure for Lev0 database

    You can update the lev0 database at the same time as the HK database is being updated. To begin updating the lev0 database, do the following:
  • > cd /archive/sdo/ops/trending
  • > sh ./get_lev0kwds.sh
  • This data is generated by Jeneen Sommers and should be up to date. Have a look at http://jsoc.stanford.edu/data/aia/lev0_keywords/ to see what data is available.

    Archiving Plots


    To archive plots:

    Making Plots


    IMPORTANT!!! Before you make the plots for a new release:

    Plots Using Data from the HK Database

    Plots Using Data from the Lev0 Database

    Plots Using Data from Lev1

    AIA Front Filters and Focal Plane Plots

    AIA Focus Plots

    AIA GT/PZT and EVE Ratios Plots

    Editing and Releasing the Site


    Preparing for Release