- Zip up the file to make Documents.zip
- Upload Documents.zip to the team page as a new revision, with a note about what the
changes are in the new version.
- Put Documents.zip on sdotc@sdowww.lmsal.com:xfer/
- > sftp sdotc@sdowww.lmsal.com
- Password: [usual JSOC password]
- > cd xfer
- > put Documents.zip
- Uploading Documents.zip to /Users/sdotc/xfer/Documents.zip
- Documents.zip 100% 619KB 618.6KB/s 00:00
- SSH to the HMISDP-MON machine, and grab the zip file from sdowww and unzip it.
- > ssh -X jsocioc@j0
- Password: [usual JSOC password]
- > ssh -X sdotc@hmisdp-mon
- Password: [usual JSOC password]
- > sftp sdotc@sdowww.lmsal.com
- Password: [usual JSOC password]
- > cd xfer
- > get Documents.zip
- > exit
- > unzip Documents.zip
- Archive: Documents.zip
- replace Documents/.DS_Store? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: N
- creating: __MACOSX/
- creating: __MACOSX/Documents/
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._.DS_Store
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._aia_constraints.html
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._aia_troubleshooting.html
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._anomaly_categories.html
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._cam4_reaction_plan.html
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._hmi_constraints.html
- inflating: __MACOSX/Documents/._hmi_troubleshooting.html
- ...etc...
- >
- go to the website directory, log in as super user, backup the current version of the Documents site,
and move the new Documents folder to the current directory.
- > cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/
- > su
- Password: [usual SU password]
- > rm -r Documents_backup
- > mv Documents Documents_backup
- > cp -R ~/Documents .
That's it!