GT/PZT calibrations are run bi-monthly as of April 2013.
1. Make a new directory and sub-directories for the data from the last PZT cal
For this example we are analyzing data from the maneuver on July 28, 2011.
> cd /net/crom/Volumes/disk2/data/aia/ops/iss
> mkdir pztcal_20110728
> cd pztcal_20110728
> mkdir limbdata
> mkdir sagdata
"limbdata" holds the files that Dick Shine/ Zoe Frank makes. "sagdata" will hold the telemetry
from the maneuver.
2. Grab the limb data
Copy the limb data from Dick Shine's directory and put it in "limbdata" directory you just made:
> cd limbdata
> cp /net/shine/Users/shine/sdo/pztcals/pztcal2011jul28*.fits .
> ls
pztcal2011jul28w131.fits pztcal2011jul28w171.fits pztcal2011jul28w335.fits
pztcal2011jul28w1600.fits pztcal2011jul28w193.fits pztcal2011jul28w4500.fits
pztcal2011jul28w1700.fits pztcal2011jul28w211.fits pztcal2011jul28w94.fits
3. Grab the sag data
Start an IDL session, grab the sag data (telemetry) from during the maneuver.
Use the start date and time (always 15:00:00 unless otherwise specified) of the PZT maneuver you are analyzing:
IDL> write_sag_gtmonthly, '28-Jul-2011 15:00:00', outpath='/net/crom/Volumes/disk2/data/aia/ops/iss/pztcal_20110728/sagdata'
Plot Base-time or Reference time is (use this time for over-plots): 28-Jul-11 15:00:02.000
Plot Base-time or Reference time is (use this time for over-plots): 28-Jul-11 15:00:02.000
Plot Base-time or Reference time is (use this time for over-plots): 28-Jul-11 15:00:03.000
Plot Base-time or Reference time is (use this time for over-plots): 28-Jul-11 15:00:03.000
In addition to a bunch of "Plot Base-time or Reference time..." messages, you should see a bunch of plots pop up.
4. Analyze the data
Use Select the correct file (date of last maneuver) from the menu that pops up.
If the program runs successfuly, you will get a bunch of output with information, and the IDL
prompt will be returned.
IDL> calc_gtmonthly_oc, /save
Assuming CGT is ATA3
Error V per pixel on CGT:
Y 5.4922
Z 5.3121
ATA1 Recommendations:
PZT A gain: -24 (Currently -26)
PZT B gain: -19 (Currently -20)
PZT C gain: -19 (Currently -13)
Error V per pixel, Y: 5.3173
Error V per pixel, Z: 5.3158
Y error gain: -86 (Currently -85)
Z error gain: -85 (Currently -85)
(If adjusting Y error gain, adjust PZT gains as follows:)
PZT A gain: -22
PZT B gain: -22
PZT C gain: -22
ATA2 Recommendations:
PZT A gain: -25 (Currently -20)
PZT B gain: -24 (Currently -21)
PZT C gain: -24 (Currently -28)
Error V per pixel, Y: 5.4338
Error V per pixel, Z: 5.3265
Y error gain: -85 (Currently -85)
Z error gain: -85 (Currently -85)
ATA3 Recommendations:
PZT A gain: -20 (Currently -20)
PZT B gain: -29 (Currently -30)
PZT C gain: -29 (Currently -23)
ATA4 Recommendations:
PZT A gain: -21 (Currently -20)
PZT B gain: -26 (Currently -27)
PZT C gain: -26 (Currently -20)
Error V per pixel, Y: 5.4108
Error V per pixel, Z: 5.1897
Y error gain: -81 (Currently -80)
Z error gain: -81 (Currently -80)
(If adjusting Y error gain, adjust PZT gains as follows:)
PZT A gain: -18
PZT B gain: -29
PZT C gain: -29
(If adjusting Z error gain, adjust PZT gains as follows:)
PZT A gain: -23
PZT B gain: -29
PZT C gain: -29
Your screen will look something like this:
5. Trend the data
Now, run to review the output of past runs of
and generate a long-term trend plot showing the change in error gain and PZT gain for each
ATA and each axis. The arguments sent to the trend_gtmonthly_oc tell it to generate the cal
file for you.
Note 1: The maneuverdate is the date of the next cal!!!
Note 2: The default location for result file is: /net/crom/Volumes/disk2/data/aia/ops/iss/PZTCAL_2011237.V00
You can change the location using the keyword: outfile='path/to/outfile'
IDL> trend_gtmonthly_oc,/write,maneuverdate='2011-237'
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand
This creates two sets of plots:
6. Add the file to CVS repository.
> cp /net/crom/Volumes/disk2/data/aia/ops/iss/PZTCAL_2011237.V00 /path/to/your/sdocvs/EGSE/XFER/
> cd /path/to/your/sdocvs/EGSE/XFER/
> cvs add PZTCAL_2011237.V00
> cvs commit -m 'File for August GT/PZT cal maneuver' PZTCAL_2011237.V00
7. Post the file to the MOC Data Product Server.
From a terminal window on aiaioc-mon (or any jsoc machine), do
> cd
> cd /egsesw/EGSE/XFER
> cvs update
> sftp
> cd pztcal
> put PZTCAL_2011237.V00
> exit
7. Email Brett Sapper (
...and the local operations team to let them know you have posted the file.