The ASIST page allows users in the JSOC to see the MOC ASIST computer.
This is useful for seeing MOC limits and telemetry (such as the S/C clock drift.)
If people at the MOC reboot or restart Alada, the connection to the ASIST page will
be lost and it must be brought back up, so it can be used as a tip-off of problems
with Alada. (And, hence, the
clock plots,
which rely on a stable Alada connection.
The event clocks may be set up on the either the HMI-MON or
AIA-MON machines.
The event clocks run by reading in the
Mission Planning System timelines, which are updated by the flight
operator every Monday morning. Theoretically, the clocks could run forever without being
touched, but the event files would become outdated.
Input files can be edited manually as necessary by following the format. The pearl
script that creates the input files for the clock form the MPS timeline
can also be edited to include or not include various events.
When the trash get full and/or smelly, place it out in the hall. A facilities staff member will empty it
and then you can bring it back inside. Facilities staff does not have clearance to be in the JSOC
unless an authorized person is there, so if the JSOC needs to be cleaned, someone needs
to be there (or help!) at all times.
The Weekly Report binders are in the cabinets above AIAHMI-CMD (for AIA)
and HMIAIA-MON (for HMI).
The Uber-Binder lives in the JSOC, generally between AIA-MON and AIAHMI-CMD.