Note: The STOLs described below are accessible through the aia_ops.src and hmi_ops.src wrapper STOLs. See How to Take AIA Diagnostic Data for instructions on running from the wrappers. The HMI procedure is similar to AIA but only high rate diagnostics data is available for HMI.
If the diagnostics STOLs fail, open log files may exist. See EGSE errors for info on closing log files.
From the JSOC Ask for the diagnostic channel and command link for AIA or HMI
Connect for commanding from AIAHMI-CMD or HMIAIA-CMD
Select ATA 1 for diag data. Entering "disp $GS_ATA_NUM" in the EGSE console
will display the current ATA. If it is not 1, type "perf aia_ata_selection"
and choose "1".
For 32 Hz Data
perf aia_diag_isscal
Select "start" button
Enter filename: "monthly_diag", STOL will automatically add date and extension
STOL will return to start/stop screen, but will be taking data
After ten minutes, select "Stop" button
Wait until all data is downlinked. You can check this on the aia_ker_diag screen
via the TD_PERCENT_FULL, TM_OP_DUMP_DONE, and TD_OP_EMPTY telemetry points.
For High Rate data:
perf aia_diag_analog
perf hmi_iss_diag
Select "Run Script"
Enter filename: monthly_diag_hi
Select "aia_issdiag"
Enter diag data accumulation time (sec): 180 (180 sec is the maximum that will fit in the buffer)
It will take much longer to downlink this data because there is a lot more of it.
To reformat the data:
On AIAHMI-CMD or HMIAIA-CMD, start Firefox and go to the bookmark for "How to analyze jitter
data". This has instructions for reformatting and plotting the diagnostic data.
If you are too lazy to look there and just need a quick reminder, the commands are:
32 Hz:
> 20110607 isscal
High Rate:
> 20110607
When asked "Do you want to change to the MON machine?" Type "N"