HMI Checklist Website Instructions

Instructions for the HMI Health and Safety Checklist


1) Were there any errors messages from the instrument? Return to Top

Review the history log for any error messages generated by the instrument. Additional Information:

2) Did the EGSE report any Limit Violations? Return to Top

Review the history log for any limit violation messages. Additional Information:

3) Did the Goddard ANS issue any alerts? Return to Top

Review the email log for any MOC ANS alerts issued to the ANS phones during the period of interest. These alerts are usually either instrument error messages or RDL limit violations. Additional Information:

4) Is the average of the main bus current Nominal? (2.9 - 31 V) and is the plot up to date? (See Main Bus Current - Combined Plot) Return to Top

Review the HMI "Main Bus Current - Combined" plot on the 48 hour plots page.

Additional Information:

5) Is the minimum motor current flat and below 15 mA? Return to Top

Review the HMI "Motor Currents" plot on the 48 hour plots page Additional Information:

6) Is the clock delta current and within 50 msec of ground time and up to date? Return to Top

Review the HMI "Clock Drift WRT Ground" plot on the 48 hour plots page.

7) Are the Front Window and Telescope temperature zones running at the current nominal set points? Return to Top

Review the HMI "Front Telescope Temperatures" plot on the 48 hour plots page.

8) Are the bench temperatures at their nominal set points? Return to Top

Review the HMI "Optical Bench Temperatures" plot on the 48 hour plots page. Additional Information:

9) Is the Oven temperature at its nominal set point? Return to Top

Review the HMI "Oven Temperatures" plot on the 48 hour plots page
Heater zoneTarget (C)
TS12_OVN_LYOT 29.6
TS13_OVN_WBM 29.5
TS14_OVN_NBM 29.15
  • Nominal Oven temperatures plot:

    10) Are the CCD temperatures appropriately cold? Return to Top

    Review the HMI "CCD Temperatures" plot on the 48 hour plots page
  • Nominal CCD Temperatures plot:

    11) Are the PZT voltages as expected (30-40 V)? Return to Top

    Review the HMI "ISS Average PZTs (A, B, and C)" plot on the 48 hour plots page Additional Information:
    Explanation: As the spacecraft or HMI pointing varies, the PZT voltages change to keep the image centered. If the voltages diverge too much (more than 5 V), then the dynamic range of the PZT has been reduced enough that the mirror is likely to hit the end of travel during the PZT flat fields. If the voltages diverge this much then a leg alignment is needed to bring the pointing back to nominal. Nominal PZT average voltages plot:

    12) Are the average ISS error voltages as expected and are the loops closed? Return to Top

    Review the HMI "ISS Average Errors (Y and Z)" plot on the 48 hour plots page.

    13) Are the latest images up to date and typical? Return to Top

    Check the latest images and verify that they are current and nominal.

    14) Are the Datamin=0 counts green? Return to Top

    Review the Datamin=0 Counts .

    15) Is the FTS ID running the normal science list (1021) with calibrations (2021) running at their proper schedule? (Sequencer FTS ID Plot) Return to Top

    Review the HMI "Sequencer Framelist ID" plot on the 48 hour plots page

    16) Is the FSN incrementing at the proper rate (Filtergram Sequence Number (FSN) Plot) Return to Top

    Review the HMI "Filtegram Sequence Number (FSN)" plot on the 48 hour plots page
    Nominal FSN plot:

    17) Is the magnetogram current and reasonable? Return to Top

    18) Is the ANS System Status all green and current? Return to Top

    Check to see if the ANS System indicators (aia-tnc-ANS-AlertUp, hmi-gse-ANS-AlertUp, etc.) are all green. If any of them are yellow or red please refer to the AIA03789 document: How to Restart the ANS and GSE Alert System.

    19) Are AIA watch lev0 images current and typical? And the SunToday page nominal? Return to Top

    Check the latest images and verify that they are current and nominal. Check to see if all the content on the SunToday page looks nominal.

    If anything does not look right, then please send an email to hek_local[at]lmsal[dot]com.

    Note that if you see the message "Light Curves not available for this date" and it is close to UT 00:00, then it's probably ok.