AIA Checklist Website Instructions

Instructions for filling out the AIA Health and Safety Checklist


1) Were there any errors in the History Log? Return to Top

Review the history log for any error messages generated by the instrument. Additional Information:

2) Were there any Limit Violations in the History Log? Return to Top

Review the history log for any error messages generated by the instrument. Additional Information:

3) Were there any alerts in the MOC ANS mail archive? Return to Top

Review the email log for any MOC ANS alerts issued to the ANS phones during the period of interest. These alerts are usually either instrument error messages or RDL limit violations. Additional Information:

4) Are the CCD temperatures appropriately cold (less than -65C) and is the plot up to date? Return to Top

Review the AIA "CCD Temperatures" plot on the Quick Look Plots page.
Nominal (as of 1/13/2011) CCD temperatures plot example:

Additional Information:

5) Does the instrument current look nominal (about 4-6 amps) and is the plot up to date? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Main Bus Current" plot on the Quick Look Plots page.
Nominal (as of 9/9/2010) current plot example:

Additional Information:

6) Does the motor current look nominal (especially min <5mA)? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Motor Currents" plot on the Quick Look Plots page. Nominal (as of 12/14/2018) motor current plot examples:

Additional Information:

7) Are the forward and aft telescope temperatures currently nominal and flat at their correct set points? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Telescope Aft Temperatures" plot and the "Telescope Forward Temperatures" plot on the Quick Look Plots page. Nominal (as of 9/21/2010) Aft Temperatures plot example:

Additional Information:

8) Is the clock delta current and within 50 msec of ground time? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Clock Drift WRT Ground" plot on the Quick Look Plots page. If the plot is not up to date: Nominal (as of 9/21/2010), anotated "Clock Drift WRT SC" plot example:

Additional Information:

If the Clock WRT Ground plot is unavailalbe, please generate a Clock WRT Spacecraft plot using the 48 Hours Plots page and use that to determine the state of the clock drift.
Please do not forget to comment in the log as well.

9) Do the GT Sun Vector Y and Z errors look nominal (between -20/+20)? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Sun Vector Y Error (all GTs)" and "Sun Vector Z Error (all GTs)" plot on the Quick Look Plots page. Nominal (as of 9/9/2010), GT Sun Vector Errors plot example:

Explanation: The GT sun vectors are measures of pointing. Error is on the y-axis in units of 0.1", (so an error of 10 would indicate the pointing was 1" off). Though the pointing varies for each GT, all four plots should be following the same trend. The control GT (probably ATA 3) should be centered on zero.

10) Are the ISS Y and Z Error Signals less than 250? Return to Top

Review the AIA "ISS Average Errors" (Y and Z) plots on the Quick Look Plots page. These plots show the standard deviation of the ISS average errors for each ATA. Explanation: The error signal is proportional to the offset from the sun, in arcsec (50 DN ≈ 1 arcsec). The plotted data is the standard deviation of the ISS error signals. The standard deviation is calculated over a running time window of 5 minutes for the 48 hour plots and 1 minute for the 4 hour plots.

11) Does the Commanded Exposure indicate the AEC is functioning properly? Return to Top

Review the AIA "Sequencer Commanded Exposure" plots on the Quick Look Plots page. Nominal (as of 9/9/2010), annotated Commanded Exposure plot example:

12) Has the FSN been incrementing properly? Return to Top

Verify that the FSN (Filtergram Sequence Number) count is increasing steadily. Nominal (as of 9/21/2010), anotated FSN plot example:

13) Are the latest images up to date and typical? Return to Top

Check the latest images and verify that they are current and nominal. Annotated image display page screenshot:

Additional Information:

14) Are the Datamin=0 counts green? Return to Top

Review the Datamin=0 Counts .

15) Is the ANS System Status all green and current? Return to Top

Check to see if the ANS System indicators (aia-tnc-ANS-AlertUp, hmi-gse-ANS-AlertUp, etc.) are all green. If any of them are yellow or red please refer to the AIA03789 document: How to Restart the ANS and GSE Alert System.

16) Does the SunToday page look nominal? Return to Top

Check to see if all the content on the SunToday page looks nominal.

If anything does not look right, then please send an email to hek_local[at]lmsal[dot]com.

17) Did you check HMI watch lev0 and if the magnetogram is current? Return to Top

Check the latest images and verify that they are current and nominal.