JSOC Calendar and Related Files

Google Calendar

A JSOC Google calendar containing events of importance to JSOC operations is available on the Solar Dynamics Observatory: Joint Science Operations Calendar web page. In addition to the Google calendar, the site contains listings of information regarding science and calibration procedures run for both JSOC instruments, listings of SDO spacecraft maneuvers affecting science operations, and listings of spacecraft night times during orbital eclipse season. The additional links on the calendar page are:

The Google calendar can be edited from any personal Google account that is enabled by one of the primary users. The AIA and HMI chronolgical list of observations are edited manually. Weekly calibration lists, spacecraft operations lists, and eclipse time lists are calculated by a set of programs described below. The programs should be able to run by cron but are currently run manually.

Calibration List Files

The steps below are for updating the calibration list files linked from the calendar web page. Programs are run from the the sdotc account on the HMI-MON machine in the JSOC IOC and from any user lmsal user account that can access /net/charon/Users/zoe/web_files/SDO/. Note, the programs use a fixed, hard-coded account on aia.lmsal.com to update the repository of files kept there. Weekly (preferably Wednesday afternoon) perform the following steps:
  1. In a terminal session on HMI-MON enter:
  2. > source /home/sdotc/zoe/calcron.sh
    This shell script runs hmi_calinfo.pro, aia_calinfo.perl, and hmi_diag.perl. These procedures create three text files (aia_newcal.txt, hmi_newcal.txt, and hmi_newdiag.txt, herein referred to as the *_new* files) that are copied to /sanhome/zoe/localcvs/. The information in the files is year-to-date for both AIA and HMI. Run dates are hard coded and the shell and perl scripts must be updated annually.
  3. From any machine connected to the LMSAL network, enter the following into a bash shell:
  4. > cd /net/charon/Users/zoe/web_files/SDO/
    > source manage_update.sh
  5. Manage_update.sh currently runs from the working directory /net/charon/Users/zoe/web_files/SDO/. The shell script copies the *_new* files from /sanhome/zoe/localcvs/. It then calls an ana script (manage_update_nogui.ana) that compares the *_new* text and html files on the working directory (currently /net/charon/Users/zoe/web_files/SDO/) with files on /sanhome/zoe/jsoc_cal/ and asks the user whether or not an update is needed. Updates will overwrite the comparison files on /sanhome/zoe/jsoc_cal/. The aia.lmsal.com repository is copied over to a local area (currently /Users/zoe/aiapublicwebpages/); new files are added; and the local files are deleted after the repository is uploaded.
  6. In Google Calendar (under 'Settings'), export a set of ics files. These backup files are currently saved in /net/charon/Users/zoe/web_files/SDO/gcalendar_zip

The final step is to keep a local backup of the Google calendar files. The files should enable restoration of the Google calendar if entries are accidently deleted but I have not tested this feature. The files are ASCII text and may be useful for future search programs or other uses.

Additional information about upkeep of the Google calendar and SDO/JSOC calendar associated files is available on the team site.