Managing HMI Heater Zones

On this Page:

Nominal Heater Zone Control




If a zone temperature is nearing a deadband...


Changing Duty Cycles

  • On HMI, duty cycles and durations are adjusted to keep temperatures constant, rather than relying on deadbands, as AIA does. The effective duty cycle depends on the deadband duty cycle and duty cycle duration, which can be adjusted for each heater zone.
  • The actual duty cycle can be found using the giant spreadsheet in the JSOC-IOC, or by using the formula: Or by using
  • IDL> print, actual_dc(dc=19, dur=11)
  • 18.1818
  • If you want to change the duty cycles, you can use the program dc_helper to calculate new dc and duration values for a target effective duty cycle. Input format is "dc_helper, dc_guess, dur_guess, target", where target is the target effective duty cycle, and dc_guess and dur_guess are your best guess for what the new dc and duration should be. dc_helper needs starting values in order to find an accurate estimate. These guesses don't have to be good guesses, but should be within +/- 25 of the best value (which is a very broad range). If you are changing the dc or dur for a zone, the current dc and dur values are more than fine for initial guesses.
  • IDL> dc_helper, 20, 13, 18.18
  • Target DC: 18.1800
  • Best approximation: 18.181818
  • Deadband DC = 18
  • DC Duration = 33
  • Actual DC = 18.181818

  • Looking up zone history

  • If you want to look up past changes in a zone's duty cycle, check the HMI Thermal History Spreadsheet, or follow this example for zone 7 to see where and when duty ccles were changed:
  • IDL> data7=sag_get_mnem(sttim, entim,['HMI_HTRZ7_DUTYCYCLE_DUR', 'HMI_HTRZ7_DBAND_DUTYCYCLE'], /stored_db)
  • IDL> time7=data7.(0).daytime
  • IDL> dur7=data7.(0).value(*,0)
  • IDL> dc7=data7.(0).value(*,1)
  • IDL> actual_dc7=actual_dc(dc=dc7, dur=dur7)
  • IDL> utplot, time7, actual_dc7
  • IDL> inds=UNIQ(actual_dc7)
  • IDL> print, anytim(time7(inds), out_sty='yohkoh')
  • IDL> print, actual_dc7(inds)
  • IDL> utplot, time7, dc7
  • IDL> print, dc7(inds)
  • IDL> utplot, time7, dur7
  • IDL> print, dur7(inds)
  • After changing any heater zone parameter, you should always update the HMI Thermal History Spreadsheet.

  • Battery Voltage Changes


    See Spacecraft Battery Voltage Changes in the Eclipse Season Information section.

    Temperature and focus


    Plotting TS05 v. TS06

    An example of how to make a nice plot of TS05 and TS06 during an eclipse. The following IDL lines created this plot: