The sdo_dir dumps are synced to the websites via sdowww. A cronjob:
1 * * * * /egsesw/EGSE/BIN/
is run on the AIAHMI-CMD and HMIAIA-CMD machines, and copies the latest sdo_dir ls and fault dumps from
/disk1/logs/sdo_dir/ (I think this is the path) to[AIA/HMI]/sdo_dir.html
A separate, root cronjob on the websites grabs the sdo_dir.html and sdo_dir_fault files from sdowww and puts it in
the website folders.
Protected Folders
To create a protected folder for a website on the SDP machines (so that the page requires a username and password for access):
In the folder for the website (i.e. /usr/local/apache-tomcatblahblah/webapps/Documents/) do:
> mkdir WEB-INF
> cd WEB-INF
> nedit web.xml
Copy into web.xml from webaps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml. You will need:
Security role
security constraint
login config
Roles (like "limited"), and passwords are defined in apache-tomcat-6.0.20/conf/tomcat-users.xml.