HMI Operational Constraints

The HMI Operational Constraints Document covers the following areas:

    1. Scope
    2. Constraint Severity Definitions
    3. Exceptions to Constraints
    4. Reference Documents
      1. Government Documents
      2. Non-Government Documents
    5. HMI Flight Operational Constraints
      1. Thermal Constraints
        1. Boresight wobbles a fraction of a pixel as the operational heaters cycle
        2. Operational heater set point on the Optics bench must be below Oven setpoint
        3. Decontamination Heater Thermostats
      2. Mechanism Constraints
        1. Test Mode to Operational Mode Transition: First Move of Circular Motors
        2. Synchronizing Mech_Move Positions to Sequencer Mech_Tune Positions
        3. Alignment Leg Range of Motion Limit
        4. Shutter Open/Close Timers Only Work in Operational Mode
      3. Camera Constraints
        1. SEFI Monitoring
        2. Relative Voltages between Vjd, Vdd, and Vod
        3. Relative Voltages Between Vog1 and Vog2
        4. Vrd Voltage
      4. Sequencer Constraints
        1. Table Uploads from the Ground
        2. Starting a Sequence
        3. Test Mode Operations while the Sequence is IDLE
        4. Mechanism & Camera Commands Issued while the Sequence is IDLE
        5. Functional or Aliveness tests while the Sequence is IDLE
        6. Aperture Door (Front Door) Operations while the Sequencer is IDLE
        7. TI_JAM_TIME Command while the Sequence is IDLE
        8. Camera, DCHRI Crop, Compression & LUT Loads while the Sequence is IDLE
        9. No Step Request (NSR) Sequencer Timing
      5. Framelist design and Single Frames
        1. Allowable Shutter Motion
        2. Consistent Shutter Direction
        3. Adaptive Control Table Size Limit
        4. Adaptive Control Delay Tuning
        5. Focus Sweep and Framelists with Focus changes
        6. FTS_CADENCE field must be specified
      6. Powered On/Off Operations
        1. Do not Power Off if EEPROM is Active
        2. Reboot when Powering on the Image Stabilization System (ISS)
        3. Decontamination Heaters Off During HGA Deploy
      7. Image Stabilization System
        1. Prevent PZT Oscillation
        2. Control loop should be open in ACS is not in science mode
        3. Open Loop During Thruster Firings
      8. Known Error Messages and Software Idiosyncrasies
        1. Memory Free Check
        2. (HHR215) Use of the hmi_task_clear command
        3. (HCM101) (HHR215) Error Messages Following an Abort Command
        4. (HSQ204) X Timer for frame 0 from framelist Y has been violated by Z tick(s)
        5. (HBG210, HBG051 & HBG020) Patch Info, Warning and Error Messages
        6. Relay Hardware Status is not Valid
        7. LMSAL EGSE Constraints (Current for Release 7-4-0)
        1. EGSE Crashes When Multiple Lines Pasted to Command Line
        2. Nedit and Other Programs Can Prevent EGSE From Starting
        3. Maximum Number of Screens
        4. Practical Limit to Number of Screens
        5. STOL Halts On Display Line Overrun
        6. LMSAL EGSE Cannot Have A Telemetry Point In Multiple APIDs
        7. Text Items Cannot Have High And Low Yellow Limits
        8. Irregular Telemetry Treated As Always Current
        9. EGSE Database Update Only After Exiting EGSE
      9. Summary of Operations with Potential Issues
      10. Index of Subject Matter Expert Points of Contact
      11. Acronym List